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Hierarchical Tags

In the digital world, effectively organizing information has become a colossal challenge. Monolog provides a clever solution: Hierarchical Tags.

Tags: More than Just Lables

In traditional note-taking apps and social medias, tags often serve as tools for information categorization, helping us gather related notes together. However, hierarchical tags in Monolog are not merely tools for categorization; they are structured expressions and connectors of knowledge.

  • Disambiguation: For instance, #Chemistry/Lead and #Business/Lead, through hierarchical tags, clearly express two entirely different domain concepts. They are used to discuss the chemical element "lead" and "potential customers" in business, respectively.
  • Building Associations: Creating nested tags like #ProjectA/DesignPhase inherently establishes a relationship between #ProjectA and #DesignPhase tags, allowing you to quickly understand and find related content when reviewing in the future.

Metadata: Understanding and Reviewing

Each tag carries a wealth of metadata, including tag creation time, parent-child tag relationships, associated note heatmaps, and a complete list of associated notes. All this information can be found on the tag's detail page, providing us with a convenient way to track and review the evolution of thoughts and interests over time.

How to Create Hierarchical Tags in Monolog

Creating hierarchical tags is straightforward: start with #, separating different levels with /.

  • Start Typing: Type #, and continue entering the tag you want (without spaces).
  • Tag Recommendations: Without entering any keywords, the system will display recently used tags for selection.
  • Search Existing Tags: Enter a keyword, and the system will display results containing the keyword.
  • Select and Insert Tags: Select a result to insert the tag into the note.
  • Create New Tags: You can also enter a new tag and press space to finish input, the system will automatically recognize and create the tag.
  • Have a space before and after the tag and other text.
  • Subtag Creation: For instance, when creating #WWDC/2023, its parent tag #WWDC will be automatically created, saving additional steps.

Monolog offers a simple yet powerful tool through hierarchical tags to organize and present knowledge. It not only helps us better understand and grasp information but also makes learning and innovation simpler and enjoyable. Now, start your journey of knowledge exploration!